I used to write every other week for a blog with several other women. It fell to the wayside a few years ago, but I recently decided that it was time to start back up.
For the last blog, we could write about whatever we wanted. I kept my posts to pretty benign topics like traveling or tips on surviving a septoplasty (which is oddly popular and I even got a comment from a reader the other day). My posts were more tutorial or fact-based than heartfelt and based on my experiences.
Today, December 21st, marks my half Birthday. Not really a big deal except that my 40th Birthday is in six months. Probably doesn't sound like much to a lot of people, but for me, it means I have six more months to accomplish some things.
My 39th birthday was a rough one. I am secretly glad THAT was a rough one versus the 40th one being rough. I was in San Antonio for a work conference and a flood of realizations hit me. The biggest one being that I had envisioned the 40 year old Carrie being able to look back and to see all the people she had helped and the different ways she had been a catalyst for change in this world.
On that day in June, when I looked back as a 39 year-old, I couldn't see much of what I had done. So I resolved to make the next year about helping others more and making a difference. But life, health and poor choices got in the way of that. Now I sit here with six months left to work my tail off to accomplish my goals.
The first thing I did today was to launch a website for survivors to share their #MeToo stories. The site has a form where people can submit their stories without having to give their name or email address. I was tired of the perpetrators getting the attention in the news. I wanted a place, a collection of sorts, for people to read about the survivors. It's time to forget the abusers. I also had reached a tipping point where I was (and still am) tired of people thinking that abuse and people in abusive relationships weren't their business. The harassment, abuse, rape, assault....all of it needs to stop. Now.
My second goal for today is to start writing again. This time, I am going to write about something I have wanted to write about for years...relationships. I am not just talking about romantic relationships, I want to discuss about all types of relationships. I am hoping that by sharing my stories and being vulnerable, at least ONE person will read it and it will help them.
But, I have one deal to make with all of you. I realized that giving unsolicited advice to people is on the narcissistic and egotistical side. So, I am going to assume that by reading what I have to say, you are soliciting help or advice. :) Just go with me to make me feel better.
I also invite anyone who wants to write a blog post about relationships to let me know. I am happy to include any and all writings.
Here's to six more months of being in my 30s. I hope you enjoy the ride and will help me celebrate when the big 4-0 comes in June!!
Peace always - cp